Thursday, May 17, 2007

Note to Trib, re: Falwell front page yesterday: This kind of equivocating (see "1994-1995") before Conservative political figures (yes, political), is what landed you in the position of having to eat crow the last presidential election.


Vox Populi said...

Thank YOU !! I was so disgusted and MORTIFIED for Tampa by that fricking front page that I was still talking about it in the PM.

That's what happens when the editor marries the guy from the tv station I guess. No, worse ! This has been a long time coming. The Tampa Trib is completely out of control front page and editorially. We need to RE-infiltrate it because we have to protect our media. Thanks for this, darryl. voxpop

darylt said...

Thank you voxpop. The pull-quote over the photo, which I should have screen-shotted as well, is what gagged me. I wasn't sure if it was Falwell or the Tribune that was doing the preaching.